You Are Not Alone… We’ve been there…

There was a point, not that long ago, when my wife Cyndi was in the thick of having brain cancer, and our entire lives changed. We had awful, hard choices to make, and we know now that without the support of our community, we would never have survived. One of the most profound blessings her cancer brought to us was the experience of how the wonderful people in our life reached out, and spread a net of generosity to catch us as we fell into this unbelievably painful period of our lives. I walked away from my business to become a full time caregiver and we lived in the cocoon of it all for more than 3 years. The only reason we got through it, without ending up homeless, is due to our community’s generosity. Sometimes you need the warm arms of your community to hold you up when you can’t stand on your own. Now that we can stand we want to be a part of those arms supporting our community.

What we know for sure is that many of us, at certain points in our lives, just need a helping hand – that helping hand can be the thing that changes everything. A few times a year, our team gets together and chooses someone who is really committed to working with us to build a pathway out of whatever struggle they find themselves in, and gift them a Young Living Starter Kit Membership. Part of the gift is the support and mentorship of our amazing team — you may be receiving the opportunity to own a business of your own, but you won’t be going-it on your own. We’ll all be here to answer questions, hold you accountable, and cheer you on. If you’d like to apply for the program, please fill out our application below.